Our Haitian Partners
The bulk of our ministry work serving the people of Les Anglais is accomplished by Haitian men and women, and that's exactly the way we like it. We believe working through local leaders, and especially working through local Christian churches empowers the Haitian people and allows for the church's reach to expand. Our primary partner to accomplish much of our efforts is Pastor Yvon Ezena. We met Pastor Yvon in 2003, in a slum of Port-au-Prince, where he was pastoring a church and providing children with education. We were immediately impressed with his heart for the children of Haiti and reaching the lost.
In 2010, God called Pastor Yvon back to his hometown of Les Anglais, a very remote community at the far tip of the southern peninsula. God led Harvest Field to Les Anglais with Pastor Yvon, and now much of our ministry outreaches are in partnership with the ministry Pastor Yvon leads.
Pastor Yvon, and his wife, Rosemita, work tirelessly to...
Pastor Yvon ezena, his wife rosemita, with his sons samuel, neamiah, & jude, and his daughters sophanie & rachel.
- lead several churches in the region
- personally live at and oversee the orphanage
- administrate 2 schools in the region
- provide spiritual guidance for various programs and projects
- organize and lead pastor training
In addition to working with Pastor Yvon as our primary partner, we are blessed to have strong relationships with many Christian Churches in the region, as well as with the local government medical clinic, local entrepreneurs & business owners, and community leaders. We value these relationships and enjoy working with the Haitian leadership to actively demonstrate and share The Gospel message throughout the Les Anglais region.
One of our key directives is to create jobs and provide vocational training, so we're very proud that we can put dozens of Haitian men and women to work. This allows many Haitians to support their family, while we serve the community. Below are just a few of the amazing people that we are blessed to serve with.
We couldn't provide quality medical care were it not for our awesome crew of translators!
"I want to thank God for making me be useful in life and I am privileged being good friends with Harvest Field. Since I have been working in Les Anglais my family knows a better life. I hope the blessing of working with Harvest Field will last forever, and will overflow through me." -Samuel Lammare, Translator
Madame Italien is our lead teacher at the sewing center, and makes many of the Pote Mwen products.
Pastor Yvon, with some of the great teachers at the Les Anglais Primary School.
Junior provides coordination for children receiving care in the malnutrition clinic and also teaches an English class. Neamiah serves at the orphanage and leads a Saturday morning bible school class.
Some of the hard-working ladies that help cook, clean, and care for the children at the orphanage.