Deciding to Serve in Haiti
We are excited that you are considering serving with Harvest Field - we need the skills and efforts of people like you to be successful!
When considering to become a volunteer and serve in Haiti, you should give it adequate thought and prayer.
Christ commands us to go into all nations of the world…to places just like Haiti (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8). This is a call to all followers of Christ to “GO”. As we prepare to enter the mission field, whether in Haiti, or in our own hometown, it is important to search our hearts and ask ourselves several important questions.
Why am I going?
We believe God desires us to serve for the right reasons, with the right heart. Before we jump into cross-cultural, overseas missions, we should be confident that we are going out of a humble, compassionate heart, with a desire to help the ministry be more effective.
Can I strengthen the host ministry’s existing work?
Unfortunately there are sometimes well meaning short-term mission teams that enter a country & culture different from their own and cause unintentional damage while serving.
But when short-term teams serve in a thoughtful way with a plan to be part of, and strengthen the already existing work of the ministry, the teams can add amazing benefits to the ongoing work. Harvest Field needs short-term teams to partner with us so we can utilize the full range of gifts & talents that God provides to His people.
Can I be a learner?
Haiti’s problems were not created overnight. Hundreds of years of oppression, political corruption, natural disasters, man-made environmental devastation, and damaging foreign intervention have added to the struggle of the Haitian people. Many missionaries, humanitarians, and anthropologists have spent their entire life serving in Haiti and studying it's problems, and most of those experts will tell you they still don’t have exact answers about how to “fix” things. So we don’t go to “fix”. Instead we want to approach serving in Haiti with an attitude to learn, to build relationships, and to empower the people to make their own lives better. We believe God honors that approach and step by step, He reveals to us how we can be a part of His amazing plan to bring restoration so that one day His Kingdom can come here on earth, as it is in Heaven.
“My time in Les Anglais has given me the opportunity to use my talents as a medical professional in ways more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I cherish my time there and am always thinking about when I can return. It is such a joy working with Harvest Field Ministries and the community members of Les Anglais.”
Do I understand the country and culture?
You need to investigate and learn as much as possible about the history, culture, and struggles of Haiti. You can get started by reading some summarized information about Haiti on our About Haiti Page. We encourage you to study online, read books, and learn as much as possible prior to serving in Haiti. Visit our Suggested Reading Page to see some of the books and blogs that will help you develop a better understanding of the complexities of Haiti.
We look forward to serving with you! Check out the dates for upcoming clinics here and feel free to contact us with any questions.